
An about me section can be so very comforting. You cannot be judged for a mundane list of your life’s qualifications. You cannot be judged for boastful claims about your skills and strengths. You cannot be judged for writing too much or too little.You cannot be judged for being less than the expectations of others. You cannot be judged for your lack of creativity. You cannot be judged for your efforts to embellish your image and pique the interest of the reader. 

Ah, wait, that’s all false isn’t it?

I am first and foremost a mother to my almost one year old boy. He is at once an angel and a tyrant. He occupies much of my time and heart. I also happen to be tiptoeing into my third trimester. 

I am married to a man of impressive abilities. He overshadows me in all things. And yet our balance can only be described as perfect. Our marriage was arranged over six years ago, and our love has emerged and then evolved with each passing day.

I am a startup founder. My heart yearns to make a positive change in our world. But I would be remiss to omit the fact that a positive impact on my home and children is what I choose to prioritize at this time in my life. The progress I have made since quitting my job and becoming a mother is not impressive. You will not be inspired. I do hope that writing will help me focus my mind and improve my rate of progress.

My interests are varied: spirituality, religion, entrepreneurship, social justice, parenting, health, fashion, finance, reading, writing, yearning.

I hope to write very frequently. I hope to touch upon a wide variety of subjects. I hope to reflect. I hope to engage you whenever possible.