Why am I here?

In my mind there are many reasons to start this blog but at once I feel guilty to indulge myself. In an effort to convince myself (and perhaps the reader) that this is a worthwhile endeavor, allow me to elaborate on those reasons.

I’ve had a lifelong passion for reading and writing. It is, perhaps, my only interest that has truly existed since I became capable of its pursuit. I hope to use this blog as an opportunity to indulge this interest while honing a skill I once took pride in.

I have a multitude of goals, ambitions, dreams, and interests that sometimes pair and often clash with my responsibilities and obligations. Over the course of my waking hours my mind is often scattered and unfocused as I try to juggle the aforementioned. I hope to use this blog as an opportunity to increase my focus and hold myself accountable to all these things. Perhaps it will be an experiment in compartmentalizing (where possible). Perhaps it will be such a failed experiment that results in a beautiful fluidity. And, of course the possibility remains that it will allow me to see my time constraints more clearly and realistically. 

I have many thoughts and ideas that flutter through my mind before I push them away. Often I don’t have the time or energy to engage with them personally, let alone with other humans. And this is undoubtedly made more challenging by the fact that I am quite unsure who I would even bombard with my scattered thoughts. I hope to use this blog as an opportunity to engage with my own ideas; to form and shape them. And hopefully to hear the thoughts of others in an attempt to evolve my own state of being.

Maybe this is all a mere indulgence. But maybe I deserve this indulgence.

Posted in Uncategorized

2 thoughts on “Why am I here?

    1. ” Over the course of my waking hours my mind is often scattered and unfocused as I try to juggle the aforementioned.” I couldn’t have said this better to myself! I feel the same way.

      Can’t wait to read more!

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